Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The joining

So, I just joined this site called entrecard. Not sure why I did it, but I figured what the hell. From what I read, it should increase the views of this blog, so that should be good, since it seems the only person that even looks at this thing is me, except for the 1 random comment I got when I first started. I also have this exact blog over at live journal and a totally different set of blogs on my myspace acct. If you're intersted in either, message or e-mail me and I'll be sure to add you. Yes, I blog a lot. You'd be surprised the total randomness that pops in my head and I have to get out!


McM said...

Yes, Entrecard is indeed a big hits maker. Unfortunately, it's not always a reader-maker, but with time and good content you'll probably get some fans. I know I'll come back again!

Mystery Man said...

Thanks for the comment. I've noticed that my traffic has been mostly with people just hitting that little drop button, but its better than what I had before.